The Last Amazon Course: A Comprehensive Affiliate Review

Embarking on an Amazon FBA business is akin to navigating a labyrinth; you need a guide that is proficient and trustworthy. ‘The Last Amazon Course’ claims to serve as a compass for aspiring sellers, offering extensive knowledge handed down by Brock Johnson, a seasoned expert in the field. As an affiliate with rigorous standards for truthfulness and value, I have traversed this path and now present my insights to assure you of the course’s merit and potential pitfalls. Having engaged with the course content and Brock’s strategies, I can affirm the structured approach and practical lessons that it encompasses.

Presenting a product with a real-world test, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ surpasses mere theoretical knowledge. It provides actionable advice, backed by proof and experiences, enabling you to visualize your journey to success. The positive testimonials echo the result-driven format and the course’s adaptability to different learning paces. With the course priced to democratize knowledge, it beats the competition and proves its return on investment.

As a guide through your decision-making, this outline assembles every facet of the course, from its comprehensive modules to its supportive community, to craft a narrative that is less of a sales pitch and more of a strategic advisor for your Amazon FBA aspiration.

Who is Brock Johnson?

Brock Johnson, the architect of ‘The Last Amazon Course,’ is not an ordinary entrepreneur. His journey in building a $6 million brand in just 6 months on Amazon is the embodiment of modern e-commerce success. But Brock did not stop at merely creating wealth; he pivoted towards empowerment, choosing to share his comprehensive understanding of Amazon FBA with ambitious individuals looking to follow in his footsteps.

Why is Brock qualified to teach ‘The Last Amazon Course’? His real-life experience, which transcends traditional learning, speaks for itself. Brock has been in the trenches, maneuvering through Amazon’s competitive landscape, streamlining the process of selling physical products. He has transitioned from being a student of the market to a master of the platform, amalgamating his knowledge, strategies, and techniques into this power-packed course.

His passion for teaching is evident in his commitment to course quality and student success, providing over 300 videos and 30+ hours of content without up-sells or unnecessary frills. His expertise is not only recognized by the income he generated but also by the tens of thousands of students he has taught, many of whom cite transformative outcomes.

To skeptics wondering about the integrity of the course, allow Brock Johnson’s track record, his transparent sharing of knowledge, and the community of successful students to serve as a testament to the legitimacy and effectiveness of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ and its creator.

Detailed Course Overview

Delving into ‘The Last Amazon Course’ reveals a meticulously crafted curriculum designed to offer a 360-degree view of Amazon FBA selling. With over 375 videos spanning a robust 45 hours, this comprehensive course is heralded as the ENCYCLOPEDIA of Amazon FBA. Prospective sellers are introduced to the Amazon selling platform in a step-by-step fashion, ensuring both newcomers and seasoned sellers can extract maximum value from this treasure trove of wisdom.

Starting with an introductory module that sets the stage, Brock Johnson guides students through the beginner basics, unraveling the intricacies of Amazon, product research, sourcing, listing, and launching a product. Each subsequent module dives deeper into these topics, emphasizing application over theory, with extensive walkthroughs of product research roadmaps, sourcing best practices, and the nuances of crafting a perfect listing.

The course is segmented to cater to different levels of sellers, ensuring that even advanced topics such as business fundamentals, scaling, and legal considerations are treated with the same attention to detail. A particular highlight is the commitment to staying current, with regular updates reflecting the latest Amazon policies and market trends. This ensures students are learning strategies that are effective in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. With added bonuses like inside glimpses into advanced sourcing trips to China, detailed PPC guides, and real-life case studies, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ stands as a testament to Brock Johnson’s promise: to pave the way for Amazon FBA mastery.

Course Content Analysis

An exploration into the robust foundation of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ reveals an intricate fabric of knowledge, spanning a broad spectrum of crucial FBA topics. Content analysis is pivotal when determining the course’s caliber, and Brock Johnson meticulously dissects the Amazon FBA business model across more than 350 videos and upwards of 45 hours of content, which has been praised for its breadth and depth.

The course commences with an introduction to Amazon’s ecosystem, laying out the universe of FBA with clarity, followed by deep dives into essential subjects such as product research, sourcing, and creating optimized listings. Advanced modules probe into sophisticated concepts like scaling businesses, managing inventory, and navigating the complexities of international shipping.

Cutting-edge strategies for product launches, marketing, and optimization are presented, including a comprehensive guide to Amazon PPC. Additional content continues with tailored advice on how to handle customer service, returns, and feedback, ensuring students grow brands with sterling reputations.

Brock Johnson’s continuous updates keep the course relevant in the dynamic world of Amazon, ensuring graduates are equipped with the latest tactics. Critically, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ ensures a complete transfer of knowledge from theory to practical application, aiming not just to educate but to empower students to action, profitability, and long-term success.

Course Delivery and Accessibility

Accessibility and user-friendly delivery are crucial in any online course, and ‘The Last Amazon Course’ stands out in this regard. With an approachable design that caters to both beginners and advanced users, the course maintains a fluid and accessible format throughout its extensive content. The delivery of the course leverages a combination of high-quality video tutorials, detailed walkthroughs, and downloadable resources to cater to various learning styles.

Students can navigate through the course with ease, thanks to a well-organized structure that logically progresses from foundational concepts to advanced strategies. The dashboard provides a clear pathway through the course material, and each section is labeled to highlight its primary focus. Key points are reinforced with supplementary materials that students can reference at their convenience, thereby enhancing the learning experience.

Moreover, one of the unique propositions of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ is its flexible accessibility options. Learners have the choice between a weekly subscription model or a one-time payment for lifetime access, which includes any future updates at no additional cost. This flexible pricing structure, combined with the comprehensive nature of the content, positions the course as a standout offering for anyone serious about mastering the Amazon FBA business model. Engaging, interactive, and continuously evolving, the delivery of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ promises an educational journey that is as efficient as it is effective.

Pricing and Value for Money

Discerning the true value of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ involves a critical comparison between cost and benefit, particularly in a market saturated with premium-priced Amazon FBA courses. This course distinguishes itself by offering an affordable pricing structure that aligns with Brock Johnson’s goal of democratizing e-commerce knowledge.

Traditionally, Amazon FBA courses range in the hundreds to thousands of dollars, which can be a significant barrier for many aspiring entrepreneurs. ‘The Last Amazon Course’ shatters this barrier, providing an option of paying as little as $1 per week for access to the entire compendium of content. Far from low-quality, this low entry cost is part of Brock Johnson’s pledge to make information accessible without compromising on comprehensiveness or currency of content.

A lifetime access package is also available, offering all the course material for a one-off fee that rivals the ongoing subscription models prevalent in the industry. This package includes lifetime updates, indicative of the course’s adaptability and long-term value. When juxtaposed with other offerings on the market, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ stands out not only for its affordability but for its sheer volume of actionable content, making the investment a fractional cost relative to the potential returns on an Amazon FBA business.

Thus, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ is positioned uniquely—pairing affordable acquisition cost with in-depth, evolving content, covering everything from foundational knowledge to advanced strategies—ensuring it represents exceptional value for money.

Click here to get started with only $1 now!

Pros and Cons

Every course has its strengths and weaknesses, and ‘The Last Amazon Course’ is no exception. Derived from a variety of sources, the pros and cons listed below provide a balanced view of this extensive training program.


○ Affordability: One of the most lauded aspects is its cost-effectiveness, with options for weekly payment or one-time purchase for lifetime access.

○ Comprehensive Content: Over 370 videos offer a deep dive into every facet of Amazon FBA business, ensuring a thorough education for its students.

○ Regular Updates: The course is frequently updated to stay abreast of the latest trends and policies on Amazon, enhancing its relevance and longevity.

○ Transparency: Brock Johnson is praised for his honest approach and clear explanations, establishing trust and rapport with students.

○ Accessible to Beginners: The course’s structure caters to users with varying levels of expertise, particularly beginners starting their FBA journey.


○ Possibly Overwhelming: The sheer volume of content may be daunting for some, potentially leading to information overload.

○ Suits Beginners More: While comprehensive, the depth might not satisfy the most advanced sellers looking for highly specialized knowledge.

○ Requires Commitment: The course demands a significant time investment to fully absorb and apply the material.

Overall, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ offers robust education in Amazon FBA, preferable for new and intermediate sellers, yet might be less beneficial for advanced users seeking cutting-edge strategies.

Testimonials and Student Success Stories

Testimonials and student success stories are the lifeblood of any course, as they provide firsthand accounts of the program’s efficacy. ‘The Last Amazon Course’ boasts a number of student achievements and feedback that shine a light on the practical outcomes of enrolling in this extensive FBA curriculum. Learners from diverse backgrounds have reported finding value in the course’s materials and cite tangible progress in their Amazon selling ventures.

Success stories range from students who have successfully launched their first product to those who have significantly scaled their operations. A common thread in these testimonials is the high importance placed on the up-to-date strategies and hands-on approach that Brock Johnson employs throughout the course. Students frequently highlight how lessons on product research, sourcing, and marketing have directly contributed to their sales milestones.

Despite some notes of caution – with a few students feeling overwhelmed by the volume of information or the initial setup of an Amazon business – the overarching sentiment is largely positive. Enrollees emphasize the practical knowledge gained, particularly the nuances of navigating Amazon’s ever-changing platform, which has aided them in making informed decisions and avoiding costly mistakes. These authentic voices serve not only as a testament to the course’s value but also as motivation for potential students to embark on their own entrepreneurial FBA journey.

Community and Support

The fulcrum of any educational program hinges upon the community rapport and the support infrastructure in place. ‘The Last Amazon Course’ is fortified with a robust community and dedicated support system. Testimonials from enrolled students underscore the accessibility and responsiveness of the support team.

Students emphasize that aside from the immense value packed within hundreds of videos, the sense of community and networking amongst like-minded individuals sets this course apart. This communal aspect provides a platform for peer-to-peer learning and the exchange of cutting-edge ideas, augmenting the course’s structured content.

Additionally, the feedback highlights Brock Johnson’s hands-on approach and the faculty’s promptness in addressing queries, embellishing the overall supportive framework. The dynamism and interaction within the community, coupled with unwavering support, underpin the course’s appeal and contribute significantly to a holistic learning experience that extends well beyond the curriculum.

Refund Policy

An integral aspect of any online course purchase decision is the refund policy and satisfaction guarantees offered. ‘The Last Amazon Course’ supports its educational proposition with a 30-day money-back guarantee, delivering peace of mind to its students. This show of confidence in the course’s quality ensures that students can invest in their education with assurance, knowing that they have a full month to evaluate the content’s applicability and effectiveness.

Whether one opts for the $1 weekly subscription or the upfront payment for lifetime access, the same refund policy applies, making either investment model a risk-free proposition. In the world of Amazon FBA where the market is ever-changing, such a guarantee is a rare safety net. This refund policy is straightforward, with no hidden clauses, reflecting the course’s transparency. To initiate a refund, students simply contact customer support within the stipulated period, aligning with the standards of industry best practices and bolstering trust between the educator and the learner.

Course Creator Engagement

The personal engagement of Brock Johnson, the course creator, with his student community in ‘The Last Amazon Course’ functions as the cornerstone of the educational experience. Brock’s penetrative involvement is reflected in his availability and responsiveness to student inquiries, as per course descriptions and student testimonials obtained from several sources.

Students highlight Brock’s commitment through frequent Q&A sessions, direct mentorship, and his active participation in the course’s community forums. This direct line to the creator provides an invaluable opportunity for personalized advice and mentorship, which is a distinct advantage often cited in reviews. Additionally, Johnson’s hands-on assistance elevates the standard support services typical of other courses, positioning him as not just an educator but also a mentor.

Anecdotal evidence and student reviews point to Brock often sharing his ongoing projects, strategies being tested in real-time, and continual learnings, thus contributing to a thriving learning environment that remains up-to-date and grounded in practicality. The course’s dynamic nature, bolstered by Brock Johnson’s direct involvement, assures students of consistent support throughout their Amazon FBA journey.

Click here to start your journey towards Amazon FBA success today.

Additional Resources and Tools

In addition to the core curriculum taught by Brock Johnson, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ includes a wealth of supplementary resources and tools that aim to enhance and facilitate the learning experience for students. These additional materials are designed specifically to save students both time and money, providing substantial benefits beyond the primary educational content.

The course showcases exclusive deals on a suite of over 60+ Amazon FBA seller tools and services, strategically picked to support students in various stages of their Amazon business journey. These deals cover areas such as Product Research, Photography/Graphics, Domain & Website Hosting, Marketing Tools, Email Autoresponders, International Currency Transfers, Project Management, Incorporating/Legal Advice, and more.

Prominent tools such as Helium 10 for product research, Jungle Scout for market analysis, and various photography services for enhancing listing images are included with special discounts. The course also offers recommendations for legal services like LegalZoom and Incfile, which can be instrumental for establishing a business structure and protecting intellectual property. Email marketing tools, project management apps, and e-commerce platforms also make up part of the additional resources offered to students.

Furthermore, the resources page provides practical advice to help students decide which tools are most critical at different stages of their business, helping them avoid unnecessary expenditures on software that might not be immediately beneficial. With this curated selection of tools and services, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ extends its value, providing a comprehensive toolkit for Amazon FBA success.

Alternatives and Comparisons

Aspiring Amazon FBA entrepreneurs often face the challenge of choosing a course that aligns with their budget and educational needs. ‘The Last Amazon Course’ by Brock Johnson enters the arena with a unique proposition, offering one of the most competitively priced programs in the space of Amazon FBA instruction.

When comparing it to other esteemed courses such as ‘Freedom Ticket’ by Kevin King, which is bundled with Helium 10’s suite of tools, or ‘Amazing Selling Machine’, known for its comprehensive coverage and higher price point, the practical and approachable financial commitment of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ stands out.

In terms of content value, programs like ‘Marketplace Superheroes’ offer a step-by-step system to build a global Amazon business, striking a balance between affordability and extensive training. ‘Jungle Scout Academy’ and ‘Proven Amazon Course’ are also mentioned frequently for their respective focused and broad multi-model approach to FBA selling.

While ‘The Last Amazon Course’ does not include the same breadth of tools or community engagement as some higher-priced courses, its affordability makes it an attractive option for those new to the FBA world. The course’s low-cost model is designed for newcomers in the United States, aiming to provide foundational knowledge without a hefty investment. However, students can expect the need for further learning as they progress and wish to scale their FBA businesses, suggesting that while the initial cost is low, comprehensive mastery of FBA may require additional resources over time.

Final Recommendations

As the Amazon marketplace continues to flourish, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ seeks to equip prospective students with the strategies and insights needed to thrive in the e-commerce sphere. This course is particularly suitable for beginners eager to understand the world of Amazon FBA and intermediate sellers looking to enhance their existing operations. Additionally, it presents an advantageous opportunity for advanced entrepreneurs aiming to scale their businesses further.

For beginners, the comprehensive nature of the course promises a robust foundation, systematically building knowledge from the ground up. Intermediate sellers can fill in the gaps in their understanding, correct previous mistakes, and refine their strategies. Meanwhile, advanced students will discover techniques to expand their brand and optimize their operations for larger-scale success.

However, the optimum value of ‘The Last Amazon Course’ lies in its accessibility and the promise that it could be the only course needed on this topic, thereby positioning it as a one-stop-shop for Amazon FBA education. Such an attribute makes it undeniably attractive to those who wish to invest in learning without committing to multiple courses. Combined with the lifetime access and continuous updates, it ensures your investment remains relevant as market dynamics evolve.

In summary, if you’re embarking on your Amazon FBA journey or seeking to elevate an existing business, ‘The Last Amazon Course’ tailors its offerings to a wide array of educational needs, making it a strategic choice for anyone serious about e-commerce and Amazon selling.

Grab this course now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)’ section serves as a comprehensive database to address the curiosities and concerns held by prospective and current students of ‘The Last Amazon Course’. Grounded in the actual queries of students, this segment is crucial in dispelling doubts and providing clarity on the course content, logistics, and Brock Johnson’s pedagogical approach.

For instance, a common question might be, ‘Can I sell on Amazon FBA if I’m not in the United States?’ which underscores the appeal of the Amazon FBA business model across international borders and the course’s pertinence to a global audience. Additionally, students often inquire about the necessity and selection of product research tools, reflecting on the importance of market analytics within the course curriculum.

Queries range from pragmatic concerns about account setup, such as ‘What’s the difference between Merchant Fulfilled and Fulfillment by Amazon?’ to strategic inquiries like ‘What are some tips for effective product research on Amazon?’ These questions collectively steer potential students towards a greater understanding of the course’s intent to empower them with a complete educational toolkit for becoming successful on Amazon. The FAQs, thus, not only serve to inform but also act as a testament to the course’s responsiveness and adaptability to student needs.


To encapsulate the essence of ‘The Last Amazon Course’, it’s pertinent to draw a conclusive narrative from the myriad perspectives presented throughout this exhaustive review. Brock Johnson’s creation emerges as a significant educational resource, crafted meticulously to aid aspiring and active Amazon sellers on their journeys towards e-commerce success.

From beginners to those keen on scaling their existing businesses, the course offers an expansive compendium of knowledge, laid out in a structured and accessible manner. Its affordability, delivering content at a fraction of the cost of its competitors, represents a notable value proposition that lowers the barrier to entry for many.

The proactive involvement of Brock Johnson, along with the support and vibrancy of the student community, reinforces the course’s commitment to tangible, real-world success, a sentiment echoed through impactful testimonials. Although the enormity of content may pose a challenge for some, it underscores the course’s comprehensiveness and depth, providing learners with a rich repository of actionable insights. It is evident that ‘The Last Amazon Course’ is not without its limitations, particularly for those seeking hyper-niche, advanced strategies. However, for the majority of students, it provides a well-rounded education and toolkit for Amazon FBA.

Get started with $1/week today!

Ultimately, the narrative woven through this review underscores ‘The Last Amazon Course’ as a substantial investment in one’s e-commerce education, balancing cost with an extensive and valuable learning experience, meriting consideration as a key resource for newcomers and intermediate FBA entrepreneurs alike.